About Us



History demonstrates that out of all deprived groups

in the world women have suffered the most.

The suffering knew no bounds based on culture, cast , creed , race, region and religion. They have been victims of physical abuse , mental torture, molestation , rape , violence , poverty, malnutrition, lack of education, gender discrimination, dowry related harassment & deaths , foeticide , lower status given to women considering them as financial liability, gender pay gap , lack of family support- in a word all sorts of deprivation.

But until recently, scholarly attention was not focused enough on subjects related to empowerment of women. In the multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-racial and multi-religious Indian sub-continent, women face one or other kinds of problem here and there. Only the dimension differs from state to state, society to society, and place to place.

Even in the 21st century women are beaten, considered witches; they are getting stoned for committing sexual activities; honor killing is in practice in many parts of India; and with petty excuses they are tortured and raped while the main perpetrators move freely without any punishment.

Further,they are disallowed to use mobile phones; debarred to choose their own dress or profession; have little freedom in marriage and reproductive matters; are restrained to move freely within their locality; are discouraged to participate in political activities; and many women remain starved or half fed.

In both public and private spheres women face occupational segregation and multiple barriers such as lack of capital , financial resources and technology as well as gender based violence due to cultural mindset and stereotypes – In a word , they are bound in chains of societal taboos and face lots of peculiar difficulties throughout their life .

That is how

Shri MAHARANI CHIMNABAI Stree Udyogalaya

came into existence.

We believe

Empowered Women Empower Women!

Our sanstha has an esteemed history to be re-told. Deemed as a prestigious women’s institution it was envisioned and spearheaded by Maharani Chimnabai II to develop enterprise among the womenfolk of Baroda state. The queen yearned to give the women a platform to explore their creativity, learn vocational skills and earn a livelihood.

So, she decided to give wings to her vision for the womenof her state. But her first road block was convincing her owncommunity and members of the family. Maharaja Sayajirao III promised a personal contribution only and only if the Maharani succeeded in her challenge. So, what do you think happened? Yes, just like how you and I do it, Maharani Chimnabai tied the pallu of her saree around her waist and got to work! She organized the most extraordinary bazaar at the Central Hall of Nyaya Mandir. A truly sensational experience patronizing the creative and entrepreneurial potential of women. Needless to say, the affair was a runaway success making a profit of a princely sum of Rs. 3,500/- and finally receiving the sweet donation of Rs. 10,000/-, by the Maharaja himeslf.

Founded in 1914 by the Royal family of Gaekwads in the erstwhile state of Baroda, Maharani Chimnabai Stree Udyogalaya is one of the earlist self governing women’s charitable organisation in the country.

With a strong commitment towards nurturing women in need by imparting job skills, vocational courses, scholarships, domestic counselling and work opportunities, Udyogalaya has been true to its founding philosophy of achieving female empowerment through learning and earning.

Women from this organisation have gone on to establish successful enterprises and income sources in food preparation, computer education, book binding, block printing, beauty parlour and complex enbroidery and tailoring.